Monday, August 17, 2009

Random post for a Monday

Who needs cat treats? Lily, who enjoys canned corn and Cheerios, has introduced the feline family members to garbanzo beans. I had an emotional day today. I am leaving for a walk soon. I made Smashed Chickpea Salad for tomorrow's lunch. I need to go to the store to buy corn tortillas and ingredients for corn chowder. I want to sit in my swing because the weather is nice. I haven't slept well in days. I need to go to bed early. There are dirty dishes in my sink. Shhhh.


Badass Geek said...

Doesn't it seem like there are always dirty dishes in the sink?

Caron said...

OH MY GOSH, it does! Especially when company comes over.

Rose said...

I gave up on having a clean kitchen a long time ago! I swear I can clean it up real good, come in the living room and sit down and almost every time my better half goes and makes popcorn!

Caron said...

That's hilarious! I have dirty dishes in the sink yet again right this moment and I think...yes, pretty sure...I put them all in there. Dangit.