I drove up to the house on Thursday and HEY - it was still light outside at 5:30 p.m., but I digress. I drove up to the house this evening and I saw this in the yard. It was sticking straight up and I saw it from waaaaay over yonder and it made me laugh.
This past holiday's snowman was deflated because of a blizzard and then 54,389.39 inches of snow fell upon it and so it is still in the yard. It was almost 40 degrees today and apparently just enough of the snow melted to reveal his, well...his carrot.
That is funny....I needed a chuckle.. Michelle
We've not had the snow you have had, but we have sure not had much sun. Yesterday and today are miracles! I have really had a battle with the seasonal thing. When we go for two weeks with hardly a glimpse of the sun, it is a little too much.
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