Let's start off with my li-bud/red-lac tree that a few of you are very well acquainted with:
Well, green on green doesn't do it justice. I will try for another from a different angle. See the tree? See at the bottom all the stems that look like suckers? Is that what they're called? Suckers? What the heck am I talking about? Where did that come from? Someone must have told me that long ago. Anyway, those stems at the bottom are a lilac shrub.
Stop laughing.
Next we have a daisy of some sort that I planted at least two if not three years ago and this is the first year it has ever produced flowers and what do I get? Chernobyl daisy.
More good news and this is wonderful because last year I thought my Columbine had died. But this year it is blooming! On my route through the neighborhood I see purple and white Columbine and I want me some (go K-State!). I relocated this plant last year because although the tag says "sun" the tag apparently is a big fat liar. It is now in the shade of the largest Peony and blooming, so when the tag says "sun" I no longer believe a word of it.
I'm laughing at your comment about living by the google machine...where would we be without it. Honestly...I could live without tv, I could live without telephone...but I would be lost without the computer.
I LOVE the color of that first rose -- and laughed out loud at the Chernobyl daisy (poor thing!)
To answer your title question -- I arrived in West Virginia just in time to receive a certified letter from the City that my unmowed/unweeded yard was in violation of city code. Apparently my daughter thought the Lawn Fairies would mow the grass in the middle of the night? *sigh*
Bwahahahaha! Chernobyl Daisy! Bwahahahaha!
Another great post....You take your garden and mix it with humor and it's a perfect combination...don't worry about Nature Notes.....Michelle
Lovely flowers, the colour of the columbines is so delicate
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