Monday, November 9, 2009

Soaking up as much sunshine as possible

I left the office at lunch today convinced that I would get some errands done. I have two bags of clothes and purses I am taking to Bon Marche over in Clive. If you've never shopped there, you should. Don't be fooled by my taking my clothes there. I only take nice things there, like the labels I won't buy retail that I got there last year.

I either get bored or they don't fit, so I take them back. It's my contribution to clothes recycling, I guess.

I got to the interstate overpass and instead of going straight, I got in the left-hand turning lane. At the very last moment I decided to go home and get outside. I have been feeling sort of down lately and I do really enjoy activity and sunshine.

I felt like it was best to combine the two today. I've been doing that for a couple weeks - going home at lunch and running. I only have a short period of time, so I do that couch to 5K thing I've mentioned. Today's was to walk briskly for 5 minutes and then run 25 minutes. In the back of my mind a little voice said, "Just walk whenever you want, don't worry about it."

You see, I have never run for very long with the exception of 5k events. But today? Today I did it anyway and walked/ran for a total of 2.76 miles while raising my eyes to the sunshine, willing it to wash my soul.

I got back in the pool this weekend as well. It was about time. I had been telling myself that I was too worn out to go or that the pool would be crowded and there would be no room for me. I showed up yesterday, jumped in and spent 30 minutes smiling and wondering what in the world was wrong with me for getting out of routine.

I spent most of the day on Friday at Junior Achievement's BizTown with a group of fifth graders I really enjoy. That was a lot of fun. I was invited by Aaron, whose teacher said I was welcome. They had already trained their volunteers, but I could hang out and help the kids get their tasks done.

I walked in the door and they fell on me. A mother had had to cancel due to illness! Could I take over the technology business! Well sure and I had a blast doing it.

A heck of a way to spend a day off, huh?

I also realized I didn't post about the 5k results. The Fairgrounds have some incredible hills and I think we climbed all of them. It was ugly, but I managed. I had to walk a bit to compensate for a minor breathing issue (minor until you start running!) and even so I crossed the finish line in 30:44.

I was very pleased with my time! I got home and later that afternoon I put my bib in the collection and wrote my time on it. Then I flipped through my other bibs and do you know what I saw?

Saturday's run time was my best 5k time ever. How about that?


Badass Geek said...

Good for you!

Jinxo56 said...

Thank you for the kind words about my blog. I am mentioning you in today's post and am linking your blog as well. I liked what I read. Congratulations on your run. My exercise is from walking. I don't think I could run a .5K, let alone a 5K.

Rambling Woods said...

Congrats on your 5 K time and I used to take a nap at my desk when I was working..again, I am not normal..LOL. Michelle

Caron said...

I joke about people arranging themselves in a lifelike position at their desks!