Thursday, December 3, 2009

A change in the day

Every year it takes me by surprise. The days get shorter and my schedule dries up. I marvel at how busy I am for most of the year, but for a few short months of short days, I can't find anything to do besides cook dinner and clean the house. It's so boring. I have running now, which I haven't had in years past and that's a good thing. I have the swimming pool and that's an excellent thing.

I ran again today, but I did it during my lunch break. It was the warmest part of the day at 29 degrees and spitting snow. It feels like I need to get used to running regularly and so in order to keep from trying to master the universe, which I always feel compelled to do, I decided that running and swimming in the same day, while enjoyable, is not actually necessary.


Jinxo56 said...

Weather like that is why I like living in Georgia. I grew up in central Illinois.

Aunt Becky said...

It's amazing how short the day feels now. I miss the sunshine.

Delisha said...

I'm still trying to get use to the short days myself. Feels like I never have enough time to do anything anymore

Badass Geek said...

The short days cannot be over fast enough.

Rambling Woods said...

Good thing they aren't necessary or I would be in real trouble..'grin' I have a hard time with the short days at this time of year and it leads to a short temper....Michelle

Caron said...

I always tell myself it is temporary and that by the end of December, the days will start get longer again!