Monday, January 4, 2010

Swimming in the sea

OK, I didn't go swimming in the sea. That's a song from Gaelic Storm. I left work at 23 minutes after five o'clock and there was twilight. That's a good thing. The days are getting longer.

After work, I blasted home like a rocket down the interstate. I screamed into the driveway (Just kidding, kids. There's still ice everywhere), ran into the house, grabbed the new swimsuit, grabbed my gear and drove to the pool. Instead of just swimming, I signed up for a class using flotation belts and styrofoam dumbbells. And because I am the athletic pin-up girl of the remedial phys ed class, I have to be a doofus and use TWO belts. Yep, I have a concrete ... well, you get the picture.

So I'm in the water trying to do all these exercises and I can barely keep from drowning. Kick your foot, cross your knees, drink the pool...The teacher took off her belt and had me put it on over my other belt. Anyway, it's all just to get me in shape for the stairs.

March is right around the corner

I am getting excited already over this year's March Improvement Plan. First off, 2010 has come in like a lion, roaring and screaming at me while baring sharp, pointy teetch and spraying lion spit all over my face, which is as unpleasant as you may imagine.

I think that's why I am already looking forward to my MIP, which is funny since the point of the MIP is that I have disliked the month of March since I was in my early 20s. It's dismal, I'm tired of cold and snow and wind and rain and for decades I have pondered and planned imaginary trips to here and there and never taken one. By the end of March, I'm always sick of myself for not doing anything interesting in March.

Last year I put a March Improvement Plan into practice for the first time. I want to do that again. The only thing I have scheduled so far is a concert.

So what should I do in March? I've begun thinking about options, but I haven't yet looked up anything because I'm so swamped at work that I don't leave for lunch and sometimes don't remember to eat, let alone plan an entire month of my own personal entertainment. Suggestions should be nice and decent and consider that I am 1. currently welded to my job and 2. living in the deep freeze of the century, so travel may not be advisable. Help~!


Rambling Woods said...

You really are a go-getter...whew..I admire that. In this constant snow and cold, I feel like a slug and I guess I am looking more and more like one...I like the idea of the MIP, but I really should start one would that be a JIP?....

walk2write said...

I get the picture of the concrete you-know-what because one follows me around these days. Way too many holiday treats have gone south for the season. I stopped fussing about self-improvement when we bought our second house in 1992. It needed so much work there wasn't much money or time left for anything else! The only thing I can suggest for an MIP is to find some books you've always thought about reading but put aside because you thought years ago that they were fuddy-duddy. You might be surprised how much your perspective has changed, if you're as old as I am, anyway.

Unknown said...

The best part about you is that you give me motivation. In terms of changes... You have to get back into eating better, as you used to, not only NOT forgetting to eat, but eating healthy organic stuff!

Anonymous said...

OOoh, I like the idea of a MIP. Tell more!