I found this beauty on my way into the office yesterday morning. He (she?) was on the pavement just steps away from the front door and I was surprised he hadn't been stepped on. I didn't know if touching his beautiful wings would mess something up, so I put my bags on the ground (carefully avoiding the goose poop - we have a nesting pair) and took two envelopes out.
Using the two envelopes, I finally got him moved over to the mulch. He didn't enjoy my attentions and of course, I couldn't sit him down over a cuppa Joe to explain the dangers of people who are just walking out of a door and looking out rather than down. He struggled off the envelopes three times. I felt lucky to get him where I got him.
I prayed for him all morning! I did! I was hoping he just needed to rest and as soon as he gathered himself, he could leave. He was huge, did I mention that? Just gorgeous, too. His body is fuzzy and the browns are lovely shades.
When I went to a late lunch, he was gone. I'm envisioning happy days of flying around making baby moths or whatever extremely handsome moths do in the month of May.
What a great shot and story. Very lucky guy to have you protecting and praying for him.
Well, I have a moth tale, but not shots to prove it...but Puss Puss was playing with one like this yesterday--no, the day before that. Only its wings were really tattered. I think it was already dying before she got to him. And she left him alone after I gave her a lecture...yeah, right.
Here is a link to what I think yours and mine are: http://www.fcps.edu/islandcreekes/ecology/polyphemus_moth.htm
And speaking of Puss Puss, she has a question mark tail...and it reminds me when have you seen your question mark kitty?
The moss was very lucky to meet you:)
Rose! I thought no such thing as what you posted in the other post. Not at all. Thank you for reading it and for saying something. I appreciate that. Question mark kitty has been around a fair bit with the nice weather. He sits on the neighbor's deck when her door is open and gets attention. He comes up on our deck and gets attention, too. Just not the nice kind. He's doing really well. At least it looks like he is. Thanks for the link. I'm going to look at it right now.
Yes, that's just what he looked like, Rose. :)
I saw one of these only once, as a kid, and never forgot it. Huge, beautiful, amazing creatures.
I'm glad you moved that one to safety. They only live a few days once they're adults.
what a beautiful moth! Well done for looking after it!
I can't believe that I didn't visit... arrgggg... That is beautiful. It was probably cold and that is why it was so slow. I am wondering about nesting birds and other insects as it has been in the 40's here...I will take a look at my butterfly book to see if I can find it...Michelle
Hope he has a wonderful life. Nice tale of how you saved him.
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