Thursday, January 20, 2011

Buttons and Bows

I am currently in my winter denial phase, which inevitably leads to putting my DVR to use by taping reruns of shows I've watched a million times. This happens every winter and miraculously, some time in April, I stop and get a life.

This winter, I'm rewatching every episode of Frasier I can get my hands on. It's a show that makes me laugh out loud like no other show. I have two favorite episodes - the one about leap year and one when Niles and Daphne figure out they are in love.

This morning's episode was the leap year episode from 1996, "Look Before You Leap" and I remember the first time I saw it. I was laying in bed watching the show and when this scene came along, I swear I almost fell out of bed! This morning I watched it while I was on my bike and I laughed so hard, I had tears in my eyes. You may need to have a few things in order to find this as funny as I think it is:

1. A love for the humor of the show.
2. This entire episode because it sort of sets you up for The Funny Ending.
3. Three and a half minutes. The clip is almost five minutes long, but you can stop watching after 3:39 if you want.
4. You'll need to listen to the lyrics of the song. I particularly like "let's all go to a taco show!"


Maude Lynn said...

Frasier is one of the funniest shows ever!

MyMaracas said...

Frazier was one of the best comedy shows ever. To me, Niles always stole the show. I loved the one where he somehow ended up trying to make a big impression on his fat cat guests while sporting a huge towel on his head - which concealed a parrot.

Rose said...

I have got to come back to listen to this cause Lorelei is asleep and I don't want to wake her up laughing.

Frasier is one of my favorite shows, too. I LOVED the one where Niles set his pants on fire while ironing them at Frasier's apt. I have the video of it on my blog somewhere, but don't know where.

That is one show where the entire cast works magic...Niles and Fraser together are so funny. But then I like Martin and Daphne and I can't say her name...I know it as well as my own...Roz...I had to go look it up.

Anyway, will come back later and watch...

Rambling Woods said...

I like the 'denial'...I try to visit there myself..I have never watched Frasier... but did like 'Cheers'