Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nature Notes Freezing Fog

Visit Michelle at the home of Nature Notes.

We've had some fog and mist this month and I captured these pictures on the leaves of the rose bush in the front of the house. I think it was freezing fog, which the website The Weather Prediction describes like this:

Fog tends to not produce measurable precipitation by itself but it can still wet and moisten objects. In the case of freezing fog, the fog cloud droplets are supercooled. When a droplet contacts an object below freezing it will turn to ice. When only freezing fog occurs, there will be just about as much freezing of the fog droplets onto surfaces as there will be sublimation from the surface, thus there is not much accumulation of ice.

At Nature Notes, Michelle mentioned this week that animals need shelter more than food. We've had a feral cat shelter in our backyard for years. It's been used in the past and is being visited this winter for sure because we've seen Question Mark kitty's footprints in and out. It has been out behind the pine trees in the backyard, but this winter it is under the deck protected from the north wind by the shed. It sits near the dryer vent from the laundry room.

For instructions and photos, go to Neighborhood Cats.


MyMaracas said...

Beautiful photos. And I'm sure the wild cats appreciate your kindness.

Rambling Woods said...

Interesting info to go with your photos.. how nice to help out the cats Caron...I think of all the animals out in areas that aren't usually this cold and snow bound.. I guess we do what we can to help. I wish I could take them all in.. Michelle

Leora said...

The frozen leaves do look pretty - are they a result of the fog?

KaHolly said...

Great images. Looks so, so cold, I can feel it.

Rose said...

I had been wondering about questionmark kitty...our Puss Puss has the questionmark tail, so I often think of yours when she walks right in front of my face. I hope she is doing well...