Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy/difficult day?

I can't decide about today. There is too much going on and my body is revolting with the unexpressed stress. I will be posting photos this weekend, so hold onto your hat as the strong winds of happy anticipation whip up to blow your hat into the creek. In case no photos are posted, there's a technical issue.

I'm going to a going-away, get the heck out of here sort of work luncheon for Natasha. Today is her last day. I could post a nice thing here about what it's been like working with her every day for a portion of my life, but she's a gazillion months pregnant and wouldn't appreciate the humor and I'm in a mood so I would start to cry if I said too many nice things at one time.

Before I go out to eat I like to look at menus. I heard we are going to Bravo! (the exclamation point belongs to the name of the restaurant. I am not really that excited about going to Bravo! I can see how this may be confusing). Immediately (because everything is about me) I say, "Bravo!? (multiple punctuation...sorry) There's never anything on the menu I like."

I went to the menu online, possibly nothing like the menu they will give me when I walk in the door, and of course I see two things right off the bat that sound yummy: meatball sliders and a turkey bacon avocado sandwich. Something about Tuscan fries. I don't understand what that means, but they're fries, so they will be yummy. It does remind me I need to go to Penzeys and get my free jar of pasta sprinkle.

Right after lunch I am leaving for a music weekend in Lincoln Park in Waterloo. I've asked or mentioned this to all my friends and so the first person who says AFTER THE FACT, "Oh, I would have gone with you!" will get a smack. Sorry to be violent, but that's the way it is. I feel more than a little like a dork with no friends for spending a weekend alone at a music event. Bryan is going to get me squared away, so it's all good. Once I'm there I will enjoy myself. I just need to scope things out and I'll feel comfortable. I hope.

Naturally, I will let you know.


Aunt Becky said...

I hope that you have a lovely retreat.

Caron said...

Thanks, Aunt Becky!