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Nature Notes Thursday Meme 
Things are changing in the backyard now that August is drawing to a close. I have my first new harvest: leeks!

Fading flowers

Unfinished business:

Curiously stubborn non-growing plants:

Confusing failures:

Continued growth!

Fabulous victories!

Unexpected perfection:

My lovely retreat changes temperature:

And last, but not least, wonderful gifts from friends:
Hello Caron...Perfect and I updated the link..I hate to think that fall is on the way, but I guess I can't ignore the signs here either. I too have non-growing plants, stuff that grows where it shouldn't and occasionally something really, really beautiful...This is a great post for Nature Notes and exactly what I was hoping for when I started it. It's a very small meme and I don't know why...but I enjoy it... Michelle
Summer continues here for sometime longer, I suppose, and the signs of winter are further off, too, so I enjoy reading about yours. :-)
Leeks! How I wish I could grow leeks!
I clearly made some mistakes with the leeks. I planted them late and too close together. And then a boy who was helping me weed the garden a few months ago weeded them! So last night when I tried to get one leek, I had to take two because the roots were grown together. I'm a bit backward...
Is that rhubarb?
My mother makes a strawberry rhubarb pie that is to die for.
It is rhubarb! I put up another quart last night.
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