Hiked part of the Highline Trail out of Logan Pass up from about 6,600 feet to 7,000 feet. It was awesome. This is a marmot that was digging into the rocks without paying any attention to us. The female goat saw him and ran him off. She didn't mind any of the people, but she didn't like this. Then she stuck her face in the hole and began to lick the rock/dirt.

These four goats paid attention to the crowd for quite awhile. This is supposed to be one of the most popular trails and there were plenty of people on the trail. The hike took about 4.5 hours.

This is what the destination looked like. For many it was a resting point. The trail is a 12-mile loop. This is where we turned around. This is very high above the Weeping Wall.

Rams on the snow pack.
This is amazing stuff Caron..I would have been at my own Weeping Wall shortly after getting out of the car. You go girl..I will live through your adventures...Michelle
Oh, good! I've missed you and I was hoping you would enjoy this trip. Hope everything is OK over there.
We've been so busy outside that I am pooped when I come in. We've planted almost hmmm...have to add them up..almost 20 native plants in addition to the 28 that were planted by the landscaper and no rain until today means lots of watering..I feel like I am really accomplishing something with this..and that is rare for me...
I will call on Monday about Jim..the other mallard mother lost 2 ducklings this week so she only had ..but the seven grew up and flew off....Michelle
You are accomplishing something with the native plants! That is a very good project. Also, don't forget your blog. You do good things with that.
Awesome shot, Caron!
Caron, I bet the best thing about vacation will be getting back home to the grandkids...
What a wonderful hike and such great photographs.
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